Establishing a healthy pattern of breastfeeding can be challenging, and good support in the first days is vital to success.
If there are problems with latch, engorgement and/or supply, the issues need to be addressed as soon as possible after they surface.
Milk supply can be depleted within twelve to twenty-four hours if breastfeeding is mismanaged.
This is the source of the baby’s food and as such should be managed wisely.
It is crucial to the health (physical and mental) of our society to provide breastfeeding support and education to moms during a vulnerable time.
Prenatal and postpartum breastfeeding appointments are available and covered by most BCBS and CIGNA plans.
Check your coverage today and set up an appointment with Scotty Thomson, RN, BSN, IBCLC.
Fee schedule available upon request.
Please email for more information.