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The Breastfeeding Mom
and Her Supply


How do I start/maintain a healthy supply?

Have you ever heard of the Golden Hour? It is so important to latch/pump during the first hour after birth, aka the Golden Hour. Latching/pumping during this hour will increase your ability to produce milk in the months to come. To maintain this supply, it is so important to latch often during the first few months of postpartum. Make sure to breastfeed every three hours, even through the night, while you and your little one are establishing your breastfeeding routine. Night feedings are key to keeping up your supply during the day. The key to starting/maintaining a healthy supply is to breastfeed on demand. 


What increases supply?

Your diet has a lot to do with the supply you will have. Make sure that you maintain a balanced diet, with lots of calories. It is important to be aware of what increases supply and what decreases your supply. A few things that you can incorporate into your diet to increase supply are: oatmeal, almonds (nuts/seeds), chicken, turkey and grains. Herbs are also helpful in maintaining a healthy milk supply, click here to read more!


What decreases supply?

Your diet has a lot to do with the supply you will have. Make sure that you maintain a balanced diet, with lots of calories. It is important to be aware of what increases supply and what decreases your supply. A few things that you can avoid in your diet that will decrease your supply are: carbonated beverages, caffeine, excess vitamin c/b (citrus), peppermint and sage. These are only a few foods to avoid to maintain a healthy milk supply. Click here to read more! 

©2022 by Gulf Coast Lactation.

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